Paul Revere and Yours Truly.

Paul Revere and Yours Truly.
Myself and Paul Revere at Rolling Thunder in Washuington D.C. 2006.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Arizona has to move on illegal's!

Okay so you knew that I could not last that long before popping off about the situation in Arizona. Those that know me know that I require time to ruminate on a subject before I shoot off my mouth and embarrass myself. Not that I will escape embarrassing myself but I need time to see that I will do it right.
I hate that I have to do what I do next, but there are those who may be outside of the half dozen or so that hit this blog regularly and you may or may not need this qualification.

First I am White. But being White is not a crime. I am also Traditionalist Catholic. As a Catholic I claim any race or sex that kneels before the Eucharist and can recite the Credo truthfully, as my family. I don’t hate Mexicans, Okay! So all you pseudo-intellectuals can put your ripping knives away. I have friends that are Pottawatomi only four I think. Around here it’s hard to tell. I have a friend who is Cherokee. I have a cell phone and email that is full of names like Garcia and Navarro and a couple of Gomez’s a Martinez and a couple others. I’ve even met Prince Bertrand of Brazil. Yep they do have a recognized Prince. I go to “Our Lady of Guadalupe “ for confession and even gave them a first class relic of St. Martin de Poores. So now that I’ve presented the liberal required qualifications to speak, here goes.

I have in the past made the statement that most Mexican nationals that come across the U.S. border illegally are just your regular ol’ Juan and Maria Gonzales coming from some little God forsaken town where work for them does not exist. People I have no trouble with and only wish good things for.

We have all seen what sort of a mess Mexico is in with corrupt officials and their friends the Mexican drug cartels in control. Mexico City is the no.1 city in the world for abductions and a small town Colonia Verdad just 3 feet from the Mexico U.S. border is the most violent town in the world. Who would not want to flee such a place and come to el Norte and get a job making any kind of wage and send for the rest of the family. I saw for a long time a mostly friendly God fearing, yes Catholic, hard working bunch just wanting to live. When I was living in Concordia some of The Sisters of St. Joseph had a Salvadoran refuge going in that town. Let me tell you if you wanted a nice suit expertly made and tailored to you, all you had to do is go and see the Salvadorans. They never caused any problem, went to Mass regularly and worked hard and tried hard to assimilate and wanted to have U.S. citizenship. I never saw any problem with the people just with how they got here.

Things have changed drastically. I had my eyes opened by a Hispanic custodian at one of our middle schools here. He was nearly irate with the behavior of some of the students there who happened to also be Hispanic. He explained to me that they had a bad discipline problem in that school that was specifically with the children of illegal Mexican aliens. His contention was that these children came from a home where the parents, unlike his who came here from a couple hundred miles south of Juarez, didn’t care if they worked or not. They, according to him, sold drugs and were gang bangers and milked the system for every benefit they could get. As a result their children were behaving like gangsters. He was obviously disgusted with people who shared his blood and were such a disgrace to that blood. His parents came in legally and went to work to build a life working for the Santa Fe Railroad.

We have a community of such families here in Oakland just N.E. of Topeka. A neighborhood of predominantly Catholic Chicano railroad workers. It’s a very clean orderly and friendly neighborhood. That’s where “Our Lady of Guadalupe” church and parochial school is. Those faces that I always see smiling at me when I go to confession are the people that gave me the my former view of Mexicans in general. The one that I intend to correct somewhat.

Am I going to slander all illegal aliens? No. There is another mostly Hispanic neighborhood that used to be mostly Black. It lies to the south and east of Oakland. It went from being a dangerous dirty little place to being a much cleaner and friendlier place. The new Hispanic arrivals did that. They have cleaned up the area slapped on a new coat of paint, picked up trash and started businesses. There are problems, in a couple of tortillarias you have to be able to habla some espanol or you won’t be able to order. Also the first time we have here a “Le EME” gang. Specifically Sur 13. We’ve been having gun fights over on the east side. MS 13 has also been active here. A clique moved in and robbed a friends gun shop, this is the Cherokee fellow. He’s received threats to his life, too bad, nice guy. While many of the late arrivals have come here specifically to work there are also many who came to deal drugs and steal bikes etc. to sell in Mexico. There is a lot of money being sent to Mexico both legally and illegally from our illegal community. The obvious problems with having a community of illegal’s that come from a neighboring country with a different official language and a different culture is that they do not assimilate. Many don’t want to be Americans. In general they have limited English skills and are not familiar with the local customs and culture. The good people are terrorized by the gangsters and not only do you see the storefront signs written in Spanish but they require us to print all documents twice once in English and once in Spanish. Now there are gang tags painted in Spanish popping up. They even fly a Mexican flag just a mile east of the Federal building where they fly the U.S. flag.

But this is Topeka, Kansas, two states north of the border. Things are much worse down on the border. On the north side of the border of Texas is the town of Laredo on the south side is Nuevo Laredo it is one of the best known sites where cross border tunnels have been built, some have been found. Tunnels used for drug smuggling, and people smuggling. The Mexican drug cartels have been so successful at smuggling cocaine across the border that an estimated 85 to 90% of cocaine coming into this country comes across the Mexico U.S. border. The majority of Meth that comes into this country comes across the Mexico U.S. border. The border Patrol caught 705,000 people coming across the border in 2008. According to Senator McCain of Arizona over 400,000 were caught in Arizona last year. It has been dangerous for the drug carriers (mules) and the workers coming in across the border. Out of the 2000 a day that come in at least 500 are known to have died along the border. How many there are that are not found is unknown.
There is an average of 3 border patrol and customs agents assaulted on the border every day.

It’s not only the Border Enforcement officials that bear the brunt of the illegal alien violence. The following story appeared on WorldNet Daily in Nov 2006.
“WASHINGTON – Charged with molesting a 12-year-old girl, Juan Leonardo
Qunitero had been deported back to Mexico in 1999 as an illegal alien.
Nevertheless, last week, he was back in the U.S., living comfortably
in a city that prohibited police from asking anyone about their
immigration status.
Rodney Johnson was a 12-year veteran on the Houston police force.
Married with five children, he was big, kind-hearted and unafraid
of working the toughest gang beats or late-night shifts.
On Thursday, Sept. 21, around 5:30 p.m., he pulled over a white
Ford pickup driving 50 mph in a 30 mph zone in what should have
been a routine traffic stop. The driver, Quintero, had neither
a driver's license nor any other identification so, after a pat down,
Johnson handcuffed him and placed him in the back of his patrol car.
But Johnson missed the gun in Quintero's waistband. The prisoner
pulled it out and fired four times at Johnson at close range.”

Unfortunately this is only one story out of dozens that have been gleaned from news and police reports across the nation in the last few years. No private or government agency keeps track of violence perpetrated by illegal aliens. But by the same methods used to gain the stories of assaults on Law Enforcement, WorldNet Daily has found that 12 Americans are murdered every day by illegal’s. That translates out to 4,380 Americans murdered by illegal’s every year and 21,900 killed from 2001 to 2006. Think about it, more Americans killed by illegal’s than by the warfare in the middle east. No one has called for a large protest against illegal’s. There is a literal warfare going on down at the Mexican border with the border patrol and other Americans being fired upon by drug smugglers. There have even been several hundred incursions into the U.S. by the Mexican military in support of the drug cartels. U.S. ranchers are terrorized by drug gangs using their land as a pathway into the U.S., several ranchers have been killed, many assaulted and several women brutalized by these kindly illegal’s. Things have gotten so bad that around Nuevo Laredo there have been Mexican families that have pulled up stakes and moved their whole lives further into the interior at the insistence of the drug gangs. And on the north side of the border in Phoenix Arizona there is one major trauma center left because of the numbers of illegal’s getting into trouble with the elements and drug and people smugglers. The illegal’s usually don’t pay. The financial stress is too much to bear for most hospitals. Over sixty California hospitals have shut down because of taking care of non paying Mexican nationals. But the most shocking statistic is that of the kidnappings in Phoenix. Phoenix Arizona is second in the world for kidnappings, right behind Mexico City. Recounting the violence and troubles caused by allowing open borders can go on ad infinitum, ad nauseum there is enough violence, drug smuggling and disease coming across our southern border to allow one to belabor the point to exhaustion. But there are a couple more situations that are just as disturbing as what I have already given examples of.

Some sources say there are about 20 million illegal’s in the U.S., others say more. Since the 20 million figure usually comes from those who want to play down the effects that this army of illegal aliens has on the culture and economy, I tend to believe the larger estimates. However for the purposes of my particular illustration let’s take the 20 million figure as gospel for now. The Department of Homeland Security says that 97% of the illegal’s crossing our borders come across at the Mexican border and about 90% of them are Mexican nationals. Really? Think to yourself what does a Mexican look like? The fact is that a Mexican national can appear as anything from a Negro to a Native American to a light skinned Spaniard with blue eyes. So my point is that if confronted near the Mexican border by a male about 5’11” who has brown skin and eyes and black hair who speaks Spanish and has Mexican ID calling him Juan Gonzales, you’d think you have a Mexican. Right? How do you know? If you can’t thoroughly examine his ID then how do you know what you have? Is his name Juan or Mustafa? If you and I can learn Mexican Spanish then so can Mustafa. Just yesterday I was at a gathering and we were having lunch and discussing this subject. Around the table were two ladies who were partly and fully Mexican American, a couple of Celts, a German and a friend who was half Germanic and Half Sicilian. I remarked that with his appearance, as dark as he is, if he could just speak Spanish and was dressed right he would appear Mexican. He looked more Mexican than the two ladies. So would a Palestinian or a Persian (Iranian). If there truly are only 20 million illegal’s in the U.S. and 1% of them are Islamic terrorists that came across the Mexican border posing as Mexicans then there are 200,000 Islamic terrorists here. You do the math, if you break that down to half a percent that’s only 100,000, does that sound better? Not to me. If you think I’m just dreaming up arguments then consider this story that appeared on BBC and Fox News.

“Police in Ecuador say they have broken up an international drugs ring which was raising money for the Islamic militant group Hezbollah. The authorities have declined to give details of the gang’s alleged links with the group, but say it was sending Hezbollah up to 70% of its profits…” BBC June 22, 2005.

A company in Quito, Ecuador was supplying money to Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a proxy group for Iran. I know, so I only cited one instance and for the purposes of my argument I’ll let it rest at that one, but any one who wishes can go do a search on Islamic Terror activities in South America and Mexico will find a lot more. All it takes is for one terrorist to sneak across the border with a dirty bomb in a back pack and it can ruin your whole year. How many terrorists did it take to bring down the World Trade Towers? And no, George Bush didn’t do it.

Then there’s the theory of Aztlan. Many white people haven’t heard of that before so for their benefit I will try to briefly explain what I know. According to certain Mexican organizations their ancestors came from an area they call Aztlan. This area stretches from Washington state to Idaho down through California and over through Texas, including many western and all the southwestern states. It is their contention that the illegal aliens that come from Mexico to the U.S. just rightly belong here since it is their “Homeland”. Much like Germany claimed that most of central and eastern Europe was the “Fatherland” of the Aryan people. The Mexicans who claim Aztlan say that they didn’t cross our border, but that our border crossed them. It is their aim to “Mexicanize” Aztlan and thus return it to their control. It is necessary for them to regain control of this large tract of land in order for them to survive as a people, or so they say. This is not a fringe movement. If you will watch the “Cinco De Mayo” parades and the anti immigration law demonstrations you will see this attitude displayed on their banners and their clothing. Another thing you will see that should warn of some of the underlying political theory that is definitely there is that many banners and shirts display the likeness of the Communist icon Che Guevara.

If you are a Catholic or any other kind of Christian even if you are Hispanic, do not be deceived by the images of Our Lady Of Guadalupe that these people display. Those who are the true proponents of the Aztlan Reconquista are not pro Christian. They use the Symbols and seek to unite the Hispanic population by using their strong ties to The Church. But if you consider that this Aztlan Reconquista is supported by certain government officials in Mexico then the image becomes clearer. I have a friend who lives now in St. Mary’s Kansas whose parents were “Cristero’s”, a group that grew out of the government persecution of Christianity in Mexico from 1926 to 1929. There was a lot of fighting and many atrocities perpetrated by the Mexican government on Christians of all sorts. When former Mexican President Fox welcomed Pope John Paul II to Mexico he was constrained by Mexican law to welcome him only as a religious leader and not as a head of state. The Vatican is a separate state. Yet the Mexican president must welcome President Chavez of Venezuela an admitted Marxist or President Lula of Brazil another Marxist or even Fidel Castro of Cuba with a higher welcome than the Pope. And 90% of Mexicans are at least cultural Catholics. It is exactly this kind of disregard for Christianity that is underlying the true leaders of the Aztlan movement. If you are Christian the Aztlan people don’t like you and if you are European (white) they hate you.

These things may seem far away to the federal legislators in Washington D.C. or to the people in the liberal enclaves of Minneapolis or Seattle. But they are only a few meters away to the people living along the U.S. Mexico border. The last thing that Barrack Hussein Obama or Nancy Pelosi fears when they go to sleep at night is the sudden terror of being awakened by drug smugglers outside their bedroom window. To the citizens of Arizona and the other border states that is a fact of life. They commonly awake to find trash like water bottles and empty milk jugs across their yards. Many families along the border are missing their loved ones due to the violence wrought by smugglers and by the gangs who specialize in kidnapping girls to be sold as slaves.

It is the very first responsibility of the Government of our nation our states and our counties and municipalities to provide for the safety of their citizens. If the federal government does not provide that level of protection that it should then it is only reasonable to expect the state to try to provide it. If in turn the states do not provide reasonable protection for the people then it falls to the people themselves.
In the case of Arizona, if you check what has been happening to the people of Arizona in the last few years and the discussions held in the city councils of Tucson, Phoenix and other cities of that state you will see that there is a growing danger of the protection of the citizen of Arizona falling to the citizen himself. Non Mexicans have been exposed to increasing threat of violence even to the point that some neighborhoods have at times thrown up hasty barricades against the threatened violence of the illegal’s. The threat of escalating violence continued to increase to the level where Governor Brewer has called upon the Federal government to enforce federal law along the Arizona border. These requests have been ignored. With the threat faced by Arizona citizens of every extraction the only reasonable thing for the state of Arizona to do is to take action itself to protect its citizens. If the drug cartels and the Aztlan Reconquista movement and the radicals who support an open border with Mexico have their way and the rights of the citizens of Arizona are ignored in favor of the rights of the drug cartels and the anti American groups. The citizens of Arizona and the poor souls who blindly supported the open border could possibly be launched into localized warfare.

In the best case scenario, the federal government will be shaken out of their dreams of an unlimited Hispanic vote and cheap labor fueled by Hispanic wage slaves to actually enforce the law and go in to fix the damage that their indolence caused. Such an action if required will cost lives and money. In the worst scenario such troubles will spread and there will be clashes in states where there are large numbers of illegal’s. The Hispanics who will allow themselves to be used will be driven forward by the lashing whip of perceived racism and the American citizen will respond in defense. If, as I suspect, there are powers in the government that intend to use such a thing to seize more power and wealth, they are playing with fire. It is a gambit that is ill advised. Such things tend to go out of control and into anarchy all players then have the chance to grab at the reins of control. The loss will be astounding in any case. Such a thing may be years away, but then they could be at the back door. Which do you want for children? Do you want the insanity that is brewing or protection for the U.S. Citizen that Arizona is trying to provide?

1. Cinco De Mayo
The 5th of May. In 1861 Benito Juarez stopped paying Mexico’s debt to France. Seeking resolution of Mexican national debt France invaded Mexico.
General Seguin led his Mexican army against a vastly superior French force at Puebla on the fifth of May. The formerly victorious French suffered a resounding defeat. The French went on to occupy Mexico and depose Juarez and install Maximilian I as Emperor of Mexico. Juarez continued to resist the French. America Put pressure on the French in several areas including the threat of military aid. In 1866 the French began their withdrawal and they were out by 1867. To the Aztlan Reconquista people it symbolizes victory over Europeans and regaining what they see as theirs. Even though the French would probably have stayed a long time if it had not have been for the U.S. and our Monroe Doctrine.

2. Arms in the hands of American Citizens.
Legal firearms ownership in America is to the point where there are more than 250,000,000 firearms owned by American Citizens. This is only a low guess. My wife herself owns 3 handguns. Together we own 8 handguns 4 rifles and a couple of shotguns. I have friends who own more. No we didn’t set out to own that many. I may sell some. The point is that if any kind of demonstrations grow into riots in the wrong place the armed resistance will be incredible. This makes the avoidance of those circumstances essential. Getting the government to enforce the law is essential. This is not an opportunity for new votes.

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