Paul Revere and Yours Truly.

Paul Revere and Yours Truly.
Myself and Paul Revere at Rolling Thunder in Washuington D.C. 2006.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Big HELLO to all 3 1/2 of my visitors. I actually haven't been on this blog for years. I was having fun on Facebook but I am a big one for being allowed to speak. You see if there is not "free marketplace" of ideas then we lose freedom. I should speak. Sure I am going to be wrong sometimes. unlike some folks I do not claim to speak for God or from a plane so much higher than yours that you should automatically sit up straight and heed every sound that I make. I claim no divinity. I just like to talk. I like to hear or read my own voice. Okay usually I do make sense and the things I have to say are many times meant to be read by others.

So what sends me back to this back alley often unseen blog? I am kicked off of Facebook. Well only suspended. Mark Zuckerberg sent me home for a few days. No I can't appeal it. They say there is a way but when I attempted it before, I got the same response I get from my Senator when I write to him about the V.A.. Crickets Chirping. This is the third time, at least the third that I am aware of. You see I often bail out of Faceslam because I just get tired of the people posting Memes gathered from, who knows where. So when I bail out for a week Zuckerbergs commies could send me to the hall and I would never know. So what was I put into the hallway for? It was for writing "Muzzies". Yeah that's it. Just a one word response to a posted prefabricated Meme. I "commented" "Muzzies". I was informed that what I had done was in some way super offensive or alarming or threatening to some 12 year old intellect in southeast Asia or something. One time I wrote about how to escape those computer seizing highjack viruses and how I got into one of those traps while researching information about radical "muzzies" in Michigan. Something I had read in a meme that had to be vetted before I commented. Yeah I do that. I really didn't know until now what it was I did that was so disturbing to Zuckerberg. And then the other time I made a comment about the Belgians forcing euthanasia on mentally ill patients. I commented "Seig Heil". Yeah the Nazis did that stuff. The term means "Hail Victory". What a caustic thing to say. Well yes I speak fluent sarcasm. But so what? Is there no place for Sarcasm in the "Free Marketplace of Ideas"? It seems not. At least not in the anti-social "social media". Look for the whole of Facebook to be taken over by Cute cat and funny goat videos. Okay I am not that sour a person I love cats and kids. I even like alligators. But Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like me. Oh Well!

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